Download the new version for windows Pacific Warships
Download the new version for windows Pacific Warships

download the new version for windows Pacific Warships download the new version for windows Pacific Warships

We caught massively important issues with VNAV, flight modeling, FMC behaviors, and would not have been able to track down some critical hardware sensitive optimizations without the tireless support and generosity of the community. Because of the complexity of these aircraft, an issue that has only a 1% chance of happening really showcases the law of probabilities thousands of simmers trying their best to break it certainly makes those issues much more likely to show their face. The community brought forward all manner of issues, some big and some small, that made it possible for the team to locate things deep in complex systems logic only surfaced via the specific actions of a given user at a given time. Having such a wide breadth of systems, simming styles, and viewpoints really creates a test force that is simply impossible to replicate with even infinite flight hours in QA.

download the new version for windows Pacific Warships

We’d like to thank the community, as always, for your desire and appetite for testing out the AAU_02 aircraft. With the global release of AAU 02 this week, we’ll have the opportunity to gather data on a larger scale and continue working towards a solution. For example, we now understand the issues are not limited to specific regions or locations. While the investigation is ongoing, thanks to data gathered during the beta we were able to narrow down the search. In Aircraft & Avionics Update 02, we added new telemetry to help investigate the “bandwidth is too low” and connection loss issues that users in the community have reported. This update focused on improving the accuracy and realism of various aircraft systems, with the Boeing 747-8i and Boeing 787-10 both receiving very significant updates. Then earlier today, we launched Aircraft & Avionics Update 02. This update includes 35 bug fixes and improvements, many of which were requested directly by players.

download the new version for windows Pacific Warships

On Wednesday, we released an update (v1.0.20) to Expert Series 1: ATR 42-600 / 72-600. You can read more about both of these on our website here. This has been a full week for the Microsoft Flight Simulator team! Monday started with the release of City Update 2: France and Local Legend 09: Latécoère Model 631.

Download the new version for windows Pacific Warships