If you delete or move this folder, you will not be able to play the game. This includes the files for the game’s menus, options, and settings. In Rocket League, the maps folder is where all the game files are stored. You simply need to play training to access the underpass map in your Epic version of Rocket League. When we enter the URL of the steam workshop into the Workshop Map Downloader, the files contained in it will be extracted into a folder on our computer. If you want to load other maps like Dribble Challenge or Speed Jump: Rings 3 by DMC, you’ll need to first complete a series of steps. Downloading maps such as Ice Rings or Lava Rings and having them made by Lethamyr will allow you to more quickly integrate them into his custom map loader. We must follow two steps as soon as the program finishes loading.

The File can be used to save workshop maps. Once you’ve reached this point, it’s obvious what’s working: if you see a little ball spinning, it means the program is loading. Now, to download Lethamyr’s map, go ahead and download the custom map. When you click the download button, it will appear in your game client and you will be able to play it right away. If you’re logged into Steam, go to the community tab and look for the Rocket League workshop. Workshops can be obtained from Steam, Epic Games, or Lethamyr’s Map Loader. This easy-to-follow guide will walk you through the process of obtaining workshop maps in Rocket League. You can then launch them from here, or you can move them to your Rocket League installation directory to play them offline. From there, click on “Workshop” and then “Browse Workshop.” In the Workshop folder, you will see all of the maps that you have downloaded from the Workshop. This folder is located in your Steam installation directory, and you can find it by opening up your Steam client and going to the “Library” tab. The answer is actually quite simple – they are stored in your Steam Workshop folder.

With the release of the new Workshop feature in Rocket League, many people are wondering where these custom maps are stored.